Monday, March 12, 2012

Time wasting ...

... is something my Fool is very good at. And his latest time-wasting effort can be listened to here. It's called Swinging with the Tea Lady, because he promised to write her a song, something "lively and mischievous". So that's what she got.

He actually tried to write a manouche piece, as that is what he particularly loves to play himself, but no go. Not even close. Nope. He just wasn't good enough to get the Lotro instruments to sound right. So it ended up a simple swing. Ah well. I don't call him a Fool for no reason, you know.

Sing along with me in the chorus:

Just like ladies oughtta
She's heating up my water
She's brewing up a cup of gumboot tea

It's really not surprising
That the steam has started rising
'Cause she's brewing up a cuppa, just for me.


  1. Another great song Aegthil!

  2. That was truly delightful! Thank you so much!

    The Tea Lady =)
